Graduate of Brighton printmaking MA
Printmaker’s council prizewinner 2009
I am a silkscreen printer working with paper and fabric prints. The subject of my most recent set of prints is the honeybee. The much-publicised disappearance of the honeybee prompted me to take a closer look at the insect itself. The co-dependent, hard working creatures, their symbolism of industry, and their ancient connection to the spirit world, as well as the mysterious phenomenon of their puzzling vanishing, equally fascinate me.
Previously I have made prints of urban birds, particularly the pigeon. I print images of pigeons with mutated appearance, which are also the birds with the most characterful expressions. For me the pigeons symbolise the city itself. I am overall interested in studying things that exist in the corners of our perception such as the pigeon or the honeybee.
"Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge. We are perpetually on the way thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mind." Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher. The Genealogy of Morals, "Preface," sct. 1 (1887; tr. 1956).